It's always a shining moment for parents when the things you feel like you say over and over are reinforced by someone else's blunder.  It becomes a real life learning experience, though unfortunate for the true victim.

On vacation last week, I began noticing a really, really bad habit my kids have developed; not paying any attention to their surroundings. And today, this video goes viral further demonstrating my point.Thankfully what happened to this boy didn't happen to my kids with all the museums we visited last week (although I'm surprised it didn't). For us, it's usually toes stepped on, or trips and stumbles causing bumps or bruises, but never damage.

The video above happened at a museum in Taiwan. It's an honest mistake as the boy trips, and catches himself by placing a hand on the painting, the force of which rips a hole in the painting. Thankfully, the drink he was holding didn't spill and ruin the painting more.  Also thankfully for this kid and his family, the damage to the million dollar painting is covered by insurance.

I wish I could say my kids' lack of attention was due to an electronic device. At least then I'd have a blame, and plenty of virals of people walking into holes or fountains. However, it's not the case here. And trust me, when that DOES become the case, which I know will be very soon, I'll be showing them plenty of those videos. However, this time around, this lesson learned works perfectly. Hopefully many will watch, be thankful it wasn't them, and maybe learn from his mistake.  I sure hope my kids do.

What's the one lesson you feel like you keep teaching your kids over and over again?

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