Best random purchase I've ever made!

Since adopting Tater nearly a year ago, I've really had to step up my cleaning game. For such a little dog, he sure does shed a lot! It's ok, though, because he's cute:


I do my best to clean up the endless onslaught of dog hair, but my vacuum only does so much. It's great on the hardwood floors, but not so great on my rugs and my couch. It just feels like my house is never truly "clean." That's probably why I was so infatuated by an advertisement on my Facebook feed that I came across a few weeks ago! I was scrolling through my newsfeed one night, and all of a sudden this video of a lint roller popped up. The thing is, it didn't look like any lint roller I've ever used. It was this weird little metal thing. But, the way it was cleaning up pet hair off of a rug was absolutely mesmerizing. I was curious to know if it really worked as well as it did in the video, so after reading a few reviews, I decided to order one.


The lint roller is from a company called Lint Rolled. It was $14.95 plus shipping, so I figured if it ended up being a disappointment, I would only be out $20. It took about two weeks to arrive, but it was worth the price AND the wait. THIS THING IS FREAKING AWESOME. Here's a little video I took yesterday when I was testing it out:

I was truly amazed by how well this thing worked. I spent about 10 minutes lint rolling my rug (which I just got last month), and here was the result:


If you're looking for an easy way to clean up pet hair and lint from your rugs or couch or anything else, get yourself one of these. This isn't even an advertisement, I just really liked how it worked! I know there are similar, less expensive products on Amazon and other sites, but I can only speak to how well the one from Lint Rolled works, so if you're interested, you should do a little research on your own. You might be able to save a few bucks!

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