May 31, 2015 | 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Veteran's Memorial Stadium
950 Rockford Rd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 United States
(319) 363-3887

Additional Information

Join KDAT for Sunday Family Day at the ballpark.  It's always a bunch of fun Sundays.

It's another Bike to the Ballpark Day!  Fans are encouraged to ride their bikes to the game. There will be secure bike parking inside the stadium and those riding their bikes to the game can register to win prizes from New Belgium Brewing and Fleck Sales.

On your way in, stop by Goodwill who will be collecting donations. Any fan bringing 10 or more donations receives a coupon for a buy one ticket, get one free offer to a future Sunday home game.

During the game, play Travel Advisors Baseball Bingo, co-sponsored by the Radisson near Mall of America for a chance to win a trip to Minneapolis and see a Twins game.

The kids will enjoy the balloon artistry of Papa Balloon, face painting by Kennedy, and Magician Jackson Green on the concourse.

Then after the game, even more fun.  Fans are invited onto the field to run the bases, play catch, and meet the players for autographs.  It's just another perfect day at the ballpark with the family.