"A Quiet Place" and its sequel have become a favorite among moviegoers in recent years, especially here in Iowa, which is the native home state of two of its writers.

Scott Beck and Bryan Woods are Bettendorf natives who have located a building in downtown Davenport to launch their latest project: a movie theater and bar complex to help young filmmakers like themselves get noticed.

According to KCRG/KWQC:

The theater will have two screens and space for another outside on the rooftop bar. The space will feature special guests, local filmmakers, and artifacts from Hollywood like costumes and props. The two filmmakers have traveled the world and say starting a theater in their hometown area - is something special.

The name of their new facility is perfect. "The Last Picture House" will be a 2-story, social lounge, cocktail bar, and rooftop bar once complete. The theater will be at the corner of 2nd and Iowa Streets in downtown Davenport in a building vacated by a 2019 flood in the area. The project will be funded with $14.1 million granted by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Economic Development Authority.

“We’re not only going to be showing first-run movies but classics, independents, foreign films, family films, it’s for the community and everybody,” said Beck.

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The ABCs of Iowa

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