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Portrait Of Medical Team At Nurses Station Smiling At Camera

It's been a great honor for us at 104-5 KDAT to team with Billion Honda of Iowa City this past week to salute Eastern Iowa's "Healthcare Heroes". They are the men and women on the front lines every day and more than ever during the Coronavirus pandemic. We were introduced to a lot of great heroes through your nominations that we spotlighted on the air, and we're just getting started! Send us your nominations through the "Message Us" button in the free KDAT mobile app, and listen every day next week at 12:20 for a new "Eastern Iowa Healthcare Hero". Thank you for all you do to keep your communities safe!

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  • Rhonda Sentallenes, Environmental Supervisor at Winslow House Care Center in Marion
  • Nominated by Bianca Pizano
  • "My grandma is turning 63 on the 21st of May & she’s worked almost every day of her life. She’s always there when someone calls in or needs a day off. She’s a hard-working woman who’s always there to give you a hand!!


  • Misty Green
  • Nominated by Cassandra Wood
  • "Misty is our MDS Coordinator at Monticello Nursing and Rehab. Misty has a heavy workload, but is always willing to shift her schedule/hours to help out as a floor nurse wherever needed. Misty shows kind, compassionate care each day. She is an outstanding nurse and I am happy to be able to work alongside her each day! Thanks for all you do, Misty."


  • Charity Loecke, Public Health Director of the Delaware County Regional Medical Center in Manchester
  • Nominated by her husband Chad Loecke
  • "Since the hit of COVID-19 in Iowa, Charity has spent countless hours listening and learning about the pandemic. She has worked with neighboring counties that have been affected more by the coronavirus, offering assistance and better educating herself. With all the learning and education, she has taken steps to help educate and prepare businesses in Delaware County. Charity has done many Zoom meetings, morning coffee shop talks, and morning podcasts on the local radio station. She strives to educate health care facilities, businesses, and families so that everyone continues to be healthy and safe. As her husband, I have been notified by many people in the area on how great of a job Charity is doing keeping everyone in Delaware County up to speed and educating everyone on the safety measures that they need to continue to follow during this pandemic. I also appreciate all the safety measures that she takes to keep her family safe. That being said, I believe she is very deserving of the 'Healthcare Hero of the Day' because of all the things Charity is doing to keep Delaware County SAFE!"


  • Mary McDaniel, Director of Nursing at The Views Senior Living of Cedar Rapids-MeadowView Memory Care
  • Nominated by Danielle Helgerson and Tracy Sherzer
  • "We believe Mary is deserving of the healthcare superhero award because Mary works relentlessly to provide kind, compassionate care to not only our tenants living with dementia, but to her staff, as well. Working as a Director of Nursing is a 24/7 job, and Mary does it with a positive and upbeat attitude at all times. She is a dedicated, amazing team leader, teacher, student, and mother. She loves her roles in life and it shines through each and every day. We are so lucky to have Mary on our team. It is with heartfelt sincerity that we believe Mary is a true healthcare superhero!"


  • Ashley Johnson, Traveling Nurse from Cedar Rapids
  • Nominated by Lisa Elmore
  • "My Niece Ashley Johnson from Cedar Rapids is a traveling nurse and spends a lot of her time away from her family to be on the front lines taking care of everyone else’s"
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