When I leave the KDAT studio at 2 o'clock, the best thing I can do before ramping up my off-air duties is get a stroll in. Best place to do it this time of year is in the Skywalk system of Downtown Cedar Rapids.

I'm not alone. Lots of people grab the sneakers and get in a stroll. Studies show a 20- to 30-minute walk can bring improved focus and energy for the rest of the day. Get away from that desk. Clear your head. Bypass the energy drink! Walk Like A Rapidian!

These walkways snake across mid-downtown and you can go in a variety of directions for your little mini-workout. It is even possible to go from the Plaza 425 [GTC] all the way to the U.S. Cellular Center without ever hitting street-level.

The Jane Boyd collage is my favorite, above the food court. Nice to wander without a coat, staying dry and warm. Now, if only one could be built across the water and into Czech Village to my favorite lunch spots!

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