From the "they needed to do a study on THIS?" department, it was recently discovered that Americans are sick of political posts on social media.  You can find the statistics here, but my favorite is that 83% have the right idea, and just simply ignore the posts when they see them.

I post political items frequently on Facebook and my unspoken disclaimer is that it's as much, if not more, for my own entertainment--and aggravation--as anyone else's.

Luckily, this election is almost over. In case you're not sick of it yet, or just want to take your frustrations offline and unload them on the candidates personally, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be appearing here in Cedar Rapids on Friday (10/28). What could go wrong with both of them in town?

What do you think of this study? Do you agree with the findings, and how do you handle political posts on social media, whether it be those you share or see from others on your Timeline? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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