If your household is anything like mine, you're always looking for ways to save a little money. In other words, what should we cut back on? We've made some changes in our monthly services lately to save some money. But there are some things that we just can't part with.

First of all, here are the things that we ARE willing to cut back on to save money.

  • Eating out - I remember when it was just my wife and I. We went out to eat quite a bit. But now that we're a family of five it costs us nearly $30 to eat at McDonalds! Eating at home can save you big time!
  • Alcohol - Unless you're always hitting happy hours or two for one specials, drinking can get pricey quick! Plus, don't forget to tip your bartender!
  • New clothes - This is something that once you have kids, you just put on the back burner. I'd love new shoes and brand new outfits. But the kids come first. Once they have all they need, I'll spend a little on myself.
  • Cigarettes - I don't smoke, and when I see the price of a pack of cigarettes I'm glad I don't! Quit today! It's great for your health AND your pocketbook!
  • Heating and AC - Adjusting your thermostat just a few degrees can save you some money over the course of a year.

Now, the list of things that despite the cost, we WILL NOT cut back on!

  • Hobbies and activities - I collect vinyl records. No matter how much money we do or don't have, I can always seem to justify spending money on my hobby. I'm guessing I'm not alone.
  • Entertainment - You just HAD to buy those tickets to see Blake Shelton, didn't you.
  • Netflix and cable - I still think Netflix is a good bargain, but cable prices are out of control! I recently switched to satellite TV and am saving hundreds. Many people are cutting the cord altogether.
  • Cell phone bill - My cell bill is bigger than my car payment. But am I doing anything to lower it? Nope. I just added MORE data! We just can't seem to live without our phones.
  • Gadgets - Xbox, Playstation, tablets, you name it. We all want the latest technology to stay connected and have fun!

[via Hloom.com]

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