The rankings of the Top 500 Colleges and Universities in the U.S. for 2018 have just been released. The top rated Iowa school may surprise you...or maybe not!

Grinnell College is ranked highest at #33 overall, and a 97 percentile rating. Not too shabby for the state of Iowa. It is obviously well regarded and has great scores based on several criteria including safety, affordability, and curriculum.

Coe College, located right here in Cedar Rapids, is the second highest ranked school in Iowa. Coe comes in at #134 overall and beating University of Iowa and Iowa State University.

And where did the U of Iowa and Iowa State rank? Find out below on the chart that offers a side-by-side comparison of school's scores.

You can also check out which school scored the #1 ranked honors for 2018 by clicking here. 

Overall Rank (1=Best)*Percentile (99=Best)University/CollegeTotal Score'Student Selectivity' Rank'Cost & Financing' Rank'Faculty Resources' Rank'Campus Safety' Rank'Campus Experience' Rank'Educational Outcomes' Rank'Career Outcomes' Rank
3397Grinnell College (IA)70.23357626585026464321
13486Coe College (IA)59.04158582173839155265380
13886University of Iowa (IA)58.93581273532274329252151
17382Drake University (IA)57.76228774625805554115119
22077Wartburg College (IA)56.52418622177837383168361
27971Iowa State University (IA)55.53732219869616187307135
44055Iowa Wesleyan University (IA)53.312562565862960918814

[source: Wallet Hub]

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