UPDATED: Iowa D.N.R. Says Bear Wasn’t Captured
The black bear that was reported captured by the Iowa D.N.R. overnight is actually still roaming eastern Iowa. 97X in the Quad Cities reported the bear had been sedated by representatives from the Iowa D.N.R., but Jeff Harrison of the Scott County D.N.R. says that's not true.
Harrison told the radio station this morning the bear is still loose in eastern Iowa. The first photographs of the bear, that we know of, were taken Saturday in Jackson County:
There are tons of photos of the male bear, likely looking for a mate, but Greg Boll took some of the best. These are from Monday:
Tuesday, Greg was at it again. Unfortunately, more and more people began to follow the bear as it made it into highly-populated Scott County, home of the Quad Cities:
As the bear continued to make its way south and drew more and more attention from people, WQAD reported that the concerns of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources grew. An Iowa D.N.R. rep told WQAD that the number of people following the bear had effected its path and they were concerned it might end up in the city. Obviously, the D.N.R. doesn't want to be in a situation where they might have to euthanize the animal.
Harrison told 97X they were going to sedate the bear last night: "We had everything set up to tranquilize him and place him on a horse trailer to take him to the Yellow River State Forest. Word got out that things were ready and the rumors ran wild from there. If you see that bear today, leave it alone. You can snap a picture and keep moving... Today, onlookers will be met by law enforcement. If you're stopped on the highway today, you'll get a citation."
WQAD reports the bear may have hopped on a barge to munch on corn or some other type of grain. He's certainly had quite an adventure. Please do your part to keep him safe.