Dwayne Johnson Says Black Adam Will ‘Absolutely’ Fight Superman
Black Adam is a hugely powerful character within the world of DC Comics. He’s super-strong, he’s invulnerable, he’s fast, he can fly, and he can shoot lightning bolts at will. But of course, DC is not lacking in the hugely powerful character department. This is the home of people like Superman and Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. And part of the fun of cinematic universes full of these titanic figures is imagining what would happen if they ever got into a fight. Who would win: Superman or Black Adam? Batman or Superman? Aquaman or the Sahara Desert? (We’re putting our money on the desert. There’s no fish to talk to out there, Aquaman! You’re in trouble!)
Even the folks who make these movies think about these big concepts. In fact, Black Adam himself, Dwayne Johnson says he’s listening to fans and what they want — and what they want, he says, is to see Black Adam and Superman square off. Asked by Cinema Blend whether we may some day see the Man of Steel and The Rock go toe-to-toe, his response was a unambiguous “absolutely.”
Here’s more of his answer:
That is the whole point of this man. Thank you for asking that. And I have been saying for some time, there's a new era in the DC Universe that's about to begin. And what I meant by that was introducing a brand new character. It's not a sequel, not an existing IP. It was...you know, Black Adam! Two years ago the world had no idea who he was ... But also what I really meant by, ‘This is a new era in the DC Universe,’ is listening to the fans. Listening to the fans. And doing our best to give the fans what they want ... you can't always give them what you want. But you'll always know that we're listening. And in this case, with what you and I are talking about, I have been listening and I've been wanting to address fans for years.
As to when we may actually see such a confrontation, who knows? First, Black Adam needs to open in theaters. If the movie bombs, don’t hold your breath about Warner Bros. sinking another couple hundred million into a superhero fight movie. But if Black Adam scores at the box office, it sure seems like some kind of Black Adam versus Superman or Justice Society versus Justice League movie could be in the offing. At the very least, Johnson himself wants it to happen.
Black Adam opens in theaters on October 21.
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