No cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have yet been reported in Iowa as of this writing, but as a step to address patient safety concerns, it was announced that Cedar Rapids hospitals will limit patient visitors.

Mercy and St. Lukes will both put the following guidelines into effect as of Friday, March 6, until further notice.

  • Two adult visitors (18+ and in good health)  per patient per room at any one time
  • Parents and two other adult visitors in good health, as well as siblings under 18 in good health visiting Labor & Pediatrics patients
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) visitors limited to parents and two other adults in good health. Children are not allowed to visit at this time.
  • Both hospitals tell CBS 2 that they "recognize and appreciate the interest people have in supporting family and friends who are hospitalized. However, these precautionary measures are being taken to provide optimal safety for patients as instances of seasonal flu is on the rise."

Additional hand sanitizer dispensers have been added as an extra safety precaution at each hospital and it can't be stressed enough: wash your hands frequently and cough and sneeze into your sleeves or tissues to prevent the spread of germs or illness.

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