Cedar Rapids Nonprofit Group Gains Support After Act of Malice
The gratitude felt by a Cedar Rapids nonprofit group when their volunteer page filled up with individuals wanting to help was short-lived when, according to KWWL, they came to find out a single hurtful individual had taken ten spots and failed to show up.
It didn't stop Together We Achieve from completing the mission of delivering food boxes to those in need. You won't be able to decipher the person's email because it was cryptically created to be malicious and hateful. The person then signed up for the ten volunteer slots with absolutely no intent to fill them.
Together We Achieve then put out an urgent call for real volunteers to step up and at the eleventh hour, they sure did.
Organizers with Together We Achieve had two different statements to make, first to the cold-hearted fake volunteer:
Many people depend on the monthly food box distribution to meet their needs with the skyrocketing cost of food and fuel. To the person who committed this act: we are sorry your heart is so full of hatred that you have attempted to take food from the tables of children, the elderly, the disadvantaged, and potentially your family and neighbors.
By Sunday, they had enough legitimate volunteers ready and willing to help, that their gratitude, thankfulness, and, at least partially, their hope for humanity, had returned despite the efforts of one awful person to hold them up.
While their actions were clearly meant to target and hurt those that operate the resources center, their hatred was combated and defeated by many volunteers who stayed beyond their original commitment and others showed up after finding out we were short-handed. We will not allow this hatred to hurt our community or our mission.
This is not the first disturbing case where an attempt to hinder a local charity's mission has taken place. Recently, the group Bridge Under the Bridge suffered, for the third time, the theft of a generator used to power their food truck.
It's hard to imagine why these cowards continue to target individuals and groups trying to do so much to benefit their communities, but maybe one day they'll discover their efforts are futile in the face of the overwhelming good of people willing to pick up the slack.
If you'd ever like to help Together We Achieve with their work for real, you can contact them here.