Memorial Weekend in Cedar Rapids: Food on the Grill, Sweater on You
We're just about there: summer in Iowa. Well, unofficially of course. Memorial Weekend kicks off at quitin' time Friday. In 2021 we know more options are available with COVID cases down and optimism (and supplies) up. So, what's the one X-factor we Iowans have zero say in? The weather. Cue the, dum dum dummmm...
So, does anyone want more rain? Hm, no?
Before we get to this (long) weekend, let's start with one interesting stat: the rain. Iowa's News Now weather genius (AKA meteorologist) Rebecca Kopelman tweeted out that's we've now had 13 straight days of measurable precip. and have officially set a new record:
Cedar Rapids has now had 13 days in a row with measurable precipitation, breaking the old record of 11 days
A couple of Iowa Memorial Records that will not be broken in 2021
So what was the hottest ever Memorial Day? Recent history: it was 2018 when we hit a whopping 99 degrees in the state. The coldest high was set back in 1984 when we only reached 52. We'll give that record a run for its money, but don't expect it to be broken this Monday.
Memorial Weekend in Cedar Rapids will start with below-average temps
A cool-down may sound nice for some Eastern Iowans. Because of all the rain, it's been very humid. But heading into a long weekend does about 20 degrees below average sound good? The website Weather Spark says the average temp in Eastern Iowa (Iowa City specifically) should be in the mid 70's. On Friday, we're predicted to get to the mid 50's. Go a little further north, and the high is predicted to be only 50. That's 50 for a high... which is cool for the average low this time of year. Oh, and Rebecca isn't denying it either...
It will improve before the end of the weekend
Hey, if any of the days in a long weekend are going to be cool or even cold, might as well be Friday. Temps will warm to the id 60's by Saturday, and we should be at or around 70 degrees for Sunday and Memorial Day Monday. That's pretty solid weather for anyone planning to attend an outdoor Memorial Day service or have a get-together with family, which is much needed for most of us after 2020.
Enjoy! Oh, and grab a sweater!
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