Corbett Wants Iowa to Bet on Mental Health Funding
Current mayor and Iowa gubernatorial candidate Ron Corbett is in favor of legalizing sports betting in Iowa, and in doing so, proposes that the funds go toward mental health services in the state.
Corbett told CBS2 that more budget cuts in the amount of $40-90 million dollars could be on the way, which could decrease the revenue being put toward the mental health crisis.
Iowa is currently not one of the four states to have legalized sports gambling and if it were to become legal here, Corbett says it should be overseen under the jurisdiction of the Iowa Lottery, but is still not giving up on using casino revenue as a source of funding for mental health services.
Inc. Magazine reports that $400 billion is spent illegally every year on sports betting. I am not sure how much Iowa contributes to that, but either way, we could make a lot of money for mental health by legalizing this here in the Hawkeye state.
What do you think? Should you be legally allowed to make a wager on your favorite team? People are doing it illegally every day. Let's make it legal and monetize it toward much-needed mental health services.