It appears the cold has completely worn our patience.  At least, I'll blame what I saw on my way in this morning on the cold, because I just can't fathom these two very wrong actions. It's one of those situations of which is worse.  I'm walking across the parking deck, and see a mom and a kid across the way, with mom inside the car, and the kid lollygagging around the outside of the car not getting in, as kids do.  Maybe they just arrived.  Maybe they were about to leave.  Maybe they were just stopping at the car quick.  Who knows.  Regardless, the kid was outside the car, and mom didn't seem to be paying any attention.

Then I hear a rumble.  It's a man in an overcompensating truck, obviously with a big engine based off the sound.  He comes around the corner at a pretty high speed, and continues to accelerate up the ramp.  Honestly, this happens a lot in town.  People driving too fast in a parking deck, where people can appear between cars at any time.  Or a hidden compact car, like mine, could be backing up. I'm honestly surprised more accidents don't happen.

So, you get the idea of the situation.  Truck coming fast with a little guy kinda hidden between cars, who could hop into the open lane at any second. Luckily, everyone was safe, although I have no clue if the guy even saw the kid, as he didn't slow down in the slightest.  The guy was clearly in the wrong.

But here's where it gets worse.  The mom, not even bothering to look up from whatever she was doing in the driver seat, starts screaming vulgar obscenities. The truck was long gone, so he couldn't hear her. But her child could, easily. And it was language he shouldn't be hearing.

We're all busy, in a hurry, over worked, stressed, etc.  Throw the cold onto it, squeezing out our last ounces of patience.  But both these adults are clearly in the wrong. The truck should be more cautious and responsible.  The woman should be more responsible in her words and actions, as children are sponges.  Yes, we all make mistakes.  However, I have a sad feeling neither of these occurrences was unique.

Weigh In: Which Action Was Worse? Comment below.

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