When you were a kid, did you dream about one day growing up and having your own castle? Is that something kids dream about? Maybe I'm way off, but castles still do seem to have mass appeal.

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From movies to novels to children's imagination, the historic castles of Europe still pull in tourists and are showcased prominently in pop culture, as if they're still a part of our daily lives.

But forget jet setting to Europe, I've got one much much closer to home: Wisconsin. Hartford, Wisconsin to be specific.

Hartford is about 4 hours from both Cedar Rapids and Waterloo and is a town of only 15,000, which makes this castle home stick out as even more unusual.

Clearly, whoever had this home built had a thing for castles and, other than some (badly needed) updates inside, the home still looks amazing.

About the house

Before we look at the inside and outside of the castle home, here's some info:

  • Built in 1960 (and you'll see, it looks very dated on the inside - like they stopped updating it in the '70s)
  • 4 bedrooms
  • 4 bathrooms
  • 3 natural masonry fireplaces
  • 3,525 total square feet (wow!)
  • Asking price: $419,900
  • Just hit the market on April 18

So are you ready to check out this unique castle dwelling? Wait, let me rephrase that... are ye ready to journey into this olde tyme home and see where thou dreams meet thy reality in the kingdom of Wisconsin? Are you ready to sit on the toilet and declare it your throne?

Let's take a look!

This Wisconsin Castle Looks Medieval Outside, and Like 1975 Inside

Dated, oh yes. But cool as can be? No doubt! Check it out!

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