If Iowa Bill Becomes Law Will Parents Want To Teach Driver’s Ed?
A new bill passed the Iowa House last night that would allow parents to teach Driver's Education to their own kids. You'd better get ready.
Let me be clear. If the bill ends up being signed by Governor Reynolds and becomes law, you won't be required to teach Driver's Ed to your teenagers. However, I expect your teenagers will require it. I know if I had the option of going through the in-school course or having my parents put me through the paces, I'd have chosen mom and dad.
Admittedly, this could be a big money-saver for parents. One parent told me they paid $450 for one of their kids to take Driver's Ed through the in-school program. That same parent told me they'd gladly pay that price again rather than have to teach it themselves. I expect they're not alone.
Iowa parents who home-school their kids already have the option of teaching them Driver's Ed at home. This new bill would give that same possibility to all Iowa parents, whether they want it or not.
If you home-school your kids did you also teach them Driver's Ed at home? If so, how did it go? Would you do it again? If you don't home-school your kids, what you think of this possible new law?
By the way, if it does become law, KMA Land says Iowa would join eight other states who allow parents to instruct their kids in Driver's Ed.