We Need To Talk About…Eastern Iowa Drunks!
It may come as no surprise to listeners of this station, but Eastern Iowa can boast to being home of at least two of the drunkest cities in America.
According to 24/7 WALL ST, the towns of Dubuque and Iowa City rank right up there in the Top 20 with the 381 drunkest cities and towns in the USA.
Just how was this dubious distinction bestowed upon our fair villages, you ask? The publication 24/7 WALL ST. says so, based on excessive drinking statistics from the CDC.
"24/7 Wall St. reviewed the adult excessive drinking rate in 381 U.S. metro areas to identify the 20 drunkest (and 20 driest) cities. The cities with the highest excessive drinking rates are concentrated in the Midwest, while those with the lowest rates are mostly in southern states."
So Iowa scored three towns in the Top 20. Ames, Iowa ranked #19.
Dubuque came in at #14. And Iowa City was right behind them, scoring lucky #13.
But that's nothing compared to our neighbors to the north in Wisconsin. They hold four of the Top Five spots of drunkest cities in the US, including #1 - Green Bay, WI.
As Bill Murray might say...."so they got that going for them..."
Hey Wisconsin, you might need a 12-step program!
[source: 24/7 WALL ST]