Five Tips for Your Holiday Office Party
Ours is coming up Thursday night at Cobble Hill in downtown Cedar Rapids. Maybe your office is having yours soon. It's time for the office Christmas party. I'm really looking forward to it. We're a small and close-knit staff who mostly all know each other so I expect it to be a pretty casual environment. However, in any office party situation, there are rules of etiquette. Business Insider offers these tips and more.
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Show Up
Don't miss the party unless you have another commitment lined up. By that, I mean an important one like your daughter's school Christmas concert, not a night of binge-watching "Stranger Things". (Which you might be watching in a different way anyway if you show up at the party, if you know what I mean). Show up, make a good impression on the bosses, spend some outside-the-office time with your friends and co-workers, get out of the house and enjoy a free dinner on the company's dime.
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But Don't Show Up Too Early
The phrase "fashionably late" applies. It's good to be early to work, but not early to the work party. You don't want to be the first one there, or worse yet, the second one there and be stuck talking to the annoying guy in accounting who was the only earlier, and lamer, arrival, than you. While you're there, stay a minimum of 30 minutes but also don't be the last one out the door. Speaking of fashion, make sure you find out how to dress for the event. Probably don't dress like anyone in the above picture.
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Be Careful About Social Media
I have a co-worker who happens to love documenting my every move on Snapchat at the office. Guess I'll have to be extra careful around Jaymz--I mean this co-worker, at the party. Obviously, don't bad-mouth the company or the party on your Facebook page before, during, after the party or pretty much ever. It's a no-no.
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Say Hello and Goodbye To People
Apparently, I have a tendency to leave a room without saying goodbye to the people I am talking with. It's rude. Equally rude is walking into the middle of a conversation or group without gracefully announcing your presence. Also guilty. Especially talk to the people who organized the party and thank them. Try not to talk about work too much or get too personal (i.e. "flirty") in your behavior with co-workers at the party.
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Relax, But Know Your Limits
Don't sit there like a bump on a log all night, just looking like you're waiting for the free meal and drinks, but also don't drink so much for the sake of "loosening up" that you embarrass yourself. I have enough co-workers (and bosses) who have already seen me in that state that it might not be a problem. But, at least be respectful to the staff and other members of the general public who might be sharing the venue.