Look for These Summer Must-Haves at the World’s Largest Garage Sale
The World's Largest Garage Sale is quickly approaching, and so is summer! Take the time this Saturday to grab some items that you'll need to make the summer fun. I thought long and hard about what I'll be looking for Saturday. Here are just a few of my must-haves:
- American Flag t-shirt. It says, "I love my country, and I'm afraid of suits." Plus you can wear it to our 4th of July concert in downtown Cedar Rapids!
- Lawn Chair. Is there anything they can't do? Use them on your porch, in a parking lot, in your living room or as their name suggests, on the lawn.
- Kids swimming pool. This is great if you have young children like I do. It also works if you don't. Don't be embarrassed to put your feet down in a kids pool on a hot summer day.
- Lava Lamp. They're retro and they light up a room. Like your grandpa after eating too much cabbage.
- Apron with humorous saying on it. Wear it in the kitchen or wear out back when you BBQ. Preferably one that suggests you can't "handle the meat".
- Lightsaber. The tool of a real Jedi. Impress your friends and co-workers with your saber-wielding skills. Swat bugs away from family members. Light up a room should you lose power during a storm. Save the universe. Is there anything it can't do?