Grout Museum Hosting Winter Writing Workshops Online
The art of writing seems to be falling by the wayside, as society grows more and more addicted to smartphones and technology. I developed an appreciation for writing when I enrolled in an "Applied Writing" class way back in my college days. It can be therapeutic to get all of your feelings and thoughts out on paper. It's also a great way to preserve your memories and share your own personal "take" on history with your friends and loved ones.
If you like to reminiscence about the "good ole days" and love local history, the Grout Museum has a virtual (Zoom) writing workshop designed just for you. According to a press release, it will be led by local author and Hawkeye Community College writing professor, Marcea Seible. This beginner’s workshop will use conversation and short writing activities to help you begin capturing and recording your memories.
The two February workshops will focus on memories of downtown Waterloo, but you can also share other thoughts and stories as well. The is $20 with all proceeds from the workshop supporting the Friends of Grout Historic Homes, a committee who helps maintain the District's two historic homes. Space is limited to 8 people per session. Sign-up for session 1 on Friday, February 19th or session 2 on Saturday, February 27th. Both sessions will be from 9:00am to 11:00am.
For more details, call 319-234-6357 or to register go to: gmdistrict.org.
Join local author and Hawkeye Community College writing professor, Marcea Seible, for a virtual Waterloo memories themed...
Posted by Grout Museum District on Wednesday, February 3, 2021