Happy New Year from KDAT
On behalf of all of us at 104-5 KDAT, I'd like to wish you a safe and Happy New Year.
It's hard to believe, but it's also the dawning of a new decade--my second at KDAT. God willing, I will head into my 20th year here. A job promotion this year put me at the pinnacle of my life's ambition. I'd have to say the other top story of the year for me was the limo trip to Moline, where a longtime friend and I escorted a couple of lucky listeners to see one of my all-time favorite artists, Bryan Adams. It was an unforgettable show.
I just love what I do and where I do it. It's a cool job that has its stressful moments, but I feel like I'm exactly where I should be. Thank you for being part of it all this time.
I tend to avoid all the New Year's Eve hubbub of going out. I'm taking today off, having Bobby Hansen fill in for me on the air, and I'll be home chilling out tonight. Make no mistake, I'm always working in some way, shape or form though! It keeps me on my toes.
What are your New Year's resolutions? I don't make any because I see life as an ongoing self-improvement process every day. The aforementioned job promotion has been, as I mentioned a big goal of mine. I've taken that next step and it's time to think about the next one.
Enjoy your New Year's holiday, however you're spending it.