Iowa Among The Least “Slowed-Down” States Due to Coronavirus
It's true things have slowed down considerably for many of us due to coronavirus. But in Iowa, that's apparently not the case as much as elsewhere.
According to a new study from WalletHub, people in the state aren't letting the Coronavirus pandemic slow down their daily lives too much as of yet. The data used to create the ranking was collected from the Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Report. The study shows that the Hawkeye State is the 5th "Least Slowed-Down" state in this study.
The report broke things down by various factors, including "Grocery & Pharmacy Mobility Changes" (a category where Iowa is the least slowed down in America), "Retail & Recreational Mobility Changes" (23rd), "Workplace Mobility Changes" (48th) "Residential Mobility Changes" (30th), "Parks Mobility Changes" (40th) and "Transit Stations Mobility Changes" ( 45th).
A lower ranking means less change to the frequency of visiting places in those categories, putting Iowa at #46 overall. Note that with a couple of exceptions, some of these categories represent more "essential" places than others.
How did our Midwest neighbors do?
- #22: Illinois
- #24: South Dakota
- #25: North Dakota
- #28: Minnesota
- #34: Wisconsin
- #35: Missouri
- #49: Kansas
- #50: Nebraska
If you are wondering where the most slowed-down states are, you won't be surprised. The study five most slowed-down states are Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, and Nevada. They are all places with higher populations, near the hotspots on the east coast with more COVID-19 cases and who are more affected economically by shutdowns or lack of travel.