Iowa Mom Leaves 3 Kids Under Age 4 in Disgusting Conditions
A Des Moines woman is being held in Polk County Jail and facing charges after police found her three small children and dogs left home alone in unsanitary conditions. KCCI reports that 25 year-old Destinee Miller is facing "three counts of child endangerment, four counts of animal neglect and one count of neglect or abandonment of a dependent person."
Police arrived at Miller's residence on Monday to find the three small children, ages 4, 2, and 1, playing in the parking lot unsupervised. It gets worse. According to police, the two-year-old was covered from head to toe in feces, the one-year-old had a full diaper, and the four-year-old was left in charge of the kids.
The four-year-old took his siblings outside after the oven made a scary sound when he was trying to make them breakfast. This is bad enough, but according to the report "the oven was found left on and hot. There were dirty dishes and spoiled food throughout the kitchen. And there were dog feces and urine in the house, along with human waste."
Miller arrived shortly after the police did. KCCI reports that she told police that her reason for not being with the kids was that she "had to run another dog to the vet that was sick and had to be put down due to the dog having Parvovirus."
Four other dogs from the residence tested positive for the virus and were impounded by the Animal Rescue League, DHS removed the children from the home and Miller's bond is set at just over $12,200.