Iowans Still Have Time To Apply For Energy Assistance
In all seriousness... has this been the coldest spring ever? Probably not, but it sure has been a terrible start, as far as the temperature goes. We had snow on the ground today, what's up with that? I'm glad I wasn't alive for one of the worst blizzards in Iowa history. That also happened in April. You can read about it at KHAK.
This "spring" I wake up every day and feel like this baby.
Weather Spark says the average temperature in Iowa, in April, is around 56 degrees, and rarely falls below 41. Have we had a day above 50 yet this month?
What this all means is you probably still have the heat on in your house/apartment. Did you know Iowans can still apply for Energy Assistance?
cbs2iowa says "every year, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps families pay heating bills."
Iowans can still apply for this program until April 30th. Last year alone LIHEAP helped provide assistance to over 203,000 households, 74,600 of those being in Iowa. 31 million dollars of funds were distributed in Iowa, for 2021, which averaged out to $455 per house, according to cbs2iowa
IUB Iowa says this program is designed to help low-income homeowners and renters pay a portion of their primary home heating costs through a one-time payment made directly to the utility or heating fuel vendor.
Basically, it protects you from having your gas or electric heat from being shut off. Now, this doesn't mean just stop paying your bill. IUB Iowa wants to remind you to keep paying your energy bills to avoid debt or having your energy shut off in the spring months.
This is an income-based program that if needed could really help you out. I know I'm getting sick of leaving my heat on this "spring." Here is where I would insert an *eye roll emoji* but I digress. I don't even feel like we can call this "spring" yet.
For information or to see if you apply for energy assistance, you can visit the Alliant Energy Website and click on Iowa or Wisconsin, which is in the middle of the home page.
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