Is This Iowa’s Naughtiest Named Convenience Store?
Earlier this week, I was dispatched to Dyersville to produce a story at the Field of Dreams baseball field. The Field of Dreams is one of my favorite places to visit here in the Hawkeye State. I was very happy to make the short trip from Cedar Rapids over to Delaware County.
When I arrived, I realized my car was a little low on gas. I was also craving a sharp cheddar cheese stick and some beef jerky. I had a little extra time, so I asked my favorite gal 'Siri' to find me the nearest convenience store. She obliged, and I was on my way.
Believe it or not, her directions didn't lead me to the Cadillac of Iowa convenience stores, Casey's General Store. Here in Iowa, you can practically find a Casey's on every block. Instead, I ended up at what appeared to be a pretty nice mom and pop gas station located in the Heart of the Heartland....I emphasize the word "appeared."
The name of this place reminded me more of a Vegas massage parlor than a convenience store. Was I walking into a brothel that specialized in keeping things on a time schedule? What's happening here!?!
Maybe I should get my head out of the gutter, but it just seemed weird! What do you think?
I laughed, and quickly snapped a photo to send out to all of my friends in the Twitterverse. They got a kick out of the store name and it's appearance, and instantly my Timeline was flooded with jokes and one-liners. Apparently, I'm not the only one with my head in the gutter....but come on, what did you expect would happen?
I wish there was a happy ending to this story, but there's not. My producer was on the other line reminding me we were starting in 3 minutes and I was already running 7 minutes behind. No cheese, no beef jerky, and nothing Quik nor Handy. I left before even entering the store.
Maybe Quik-N-Handi was trying to make a pun like another famous gas station here in the great state of Iowa?
So the next time you're driving through Iowa in need of provisions, don't be scared if the sign on the side of the building appears to bit peculiar. There's a reason:
This isn't heaven........it's Iowa.