Wife Shocked After Husband Excludes Her From Expensive Planned Vacation With Female Friend
A man on Reddit says he was surprised by his wife's reaction after he left her out of a vacation he planned with his female friend.
"I have been friends with 'A' since we were 15/16 years old. When we were still teenagers A picked up smoking from her friends, she didn't do it much and she said she knew the risks and wanted to stop. As encouragement to get her to quit I made a deal with her. We both share a love of cars and motorsports so the deal was that if she never picked up a cigarette again, I would fly us out to and get grandstand tickets for her favorite F1 race, obviously once we were older and not broke teenagers. Admittedly 16-year-old me did not take all the costs into consideration but I still wanted to uphold my end of the deal," he began.
"A and I have always had a sibling-like relationship and my wife knows that. Nothing has ever happened between us and A even helped to set me up with my now-wife and was a 'grooms-woman' at the wedding," he continued.
"This year the time finally came when I had the money to spend for this trip. My wife has always known about this deal I have with A since we met nine years ago. She's never had a problem with it and even found it 'wholesome,' in her words. Her and A have a good relationship; they aren't best friends or anything but they get along quite well," the man added.
A few months ago, he booked tickets to the race as well as flights to coincide with his friend's birthday. He "always thought" it was obvious the trip was just going to be for him and A.
"Then a couple days ago my wife mentions how she's so excited for the trip and I gently let her know that I have only booked two tickets for the race and flights. She was upset about this and I was really confused because I thought I had made it clear that this trip was for A and it would just be us two. She asked me if I could add another ticket to the race but it's all sold out so l can't really. And then she asked if I could add another plane ticket anyway and I'm not inclined to do that as, and I know this sounds childish, this was a me and A thing since we made the deal," he shared.
Now the man's wife is upset and "barely talking" to him, as well as being cold toward his friend.
"I don’t know if she doesn’t trust me or if it’s because of some insecurity," he concluded.
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Users in the comments section dragged the man for not taking his wife's feelings more into consideration.
"Have you ever taken your wife on an expensive trip like this before (not including your honeymoon if you even did a trip for it)? I'm asking because the way the post sounds, it seems that this is the first time you've had enough money to go on a vacation and you used it to fund a trip with a friend that doesn't even include your wife," one person wrote.
"Advice from one married man to another 1.) Do not invalidate her feelings. She’s feeling this way for a reason and only good communication will help you and your wife work through it. 2.) If you ever go on a trip with other people without your wife, make that distinctly clear ... This is the way a teenager thinks and you’re a 30-year-old dude. Communicate like the adult you should be," another advised.
"Please pull your head out of your a-- and stop trying to justify this. It is completely hurtful and inappropriate to prioritize someone else anyone else to this degree over your chosen life partner," someone else commented.
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Gallery Credit: Erica Russell