‘Rude’ Teen Refuses to Give Up Seat to Older Family Member Sitting on Floor, Gets Called Out
A 19-year-old teen who refused to give up her seat at a family gathering so an older family member didn't have to sit on the floor drew mixed reactions — and some scolding — on Reddit.
"We often have big gatherings, and everyone typically sits in a large living room for dinner and hangouts. The seating arrangement usually consists of couches, a few chairs, and a couple of bean bags. There’s also a large rug where people sit on the floor," she began in a since-deleted post.
"Yesterday, we had a family dinner, and I ended up on the comfy couch by the window. It’s the prime spot in the room — near the food, great view, just perfect. My cousin, Myra, 38, was sitting on the floor near me with a few other people. Myra has always been a bit dramatic about things, and she started complaining that she was too old to sit on the floor anymore. She made a whole big scene about how her knees hurt and how no one had the decency to offer her a chair," the teen continued.
"I don’t want to sound mean, but I was really comfortable and didn’t want to give up my spot. I jokingly said, 'I’m also not getting any younger and my back hurts, but this is where I’ve been sitting all night.' Myra kept insisting that I should give her my seat because she 'deserves it' and 'it’s the least I can do.' At this point, I was getting pretty frustrated because, honestly, she wasn’t the only one sitting on the floor — there were at least four other people down there, younger and older, who were managing just fine," the girl explained.
The teen told her cousin she had no plans to move, and that "she could either join the others on the floor or figure something out." After an awkward silence, the girl's aunt pulled her aside and scolded her for being rude, saying she should be "more accommodating" to family.
"Now, I feel like maybe I was being too harsh. On one hand, Myra’s being dramatic about her age (she’s not that old), but on the other hand, I can see how it might’ve come off as inconsiderate. My cousin still won’t let it go, and I’m wondering if I was out of line," she concluded.
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Users in the comments section had totally mixed opinions about the situation.
"Going to be unpopular, but I do think you’re [in the wrong]. She’s twice your age, and I think it’s manners. Amongst our family and friend group, someone twice our age wouldn’t even get to be on the ground, someone would have had the manners to offer them a seat," one person wrote.
"We have the same kind of family gatherings and unless they are hurt the teenagers are on the floor. The full grown adults have paid their dues sitting on the floor and now it's their turn to get a seat. That's how we roll but we actually care about each other. I don't blame your aunt for telling you to get your ass up and move," another shared.
"She shouldn't have made a scene or gotten her mom involved. She should have sat on the floor for awhile, then politely asked if anyone in a chair would mind trading because her back was starting to hurt," someone else reasoned.
"Your cousin didn’t need mommy fighting her battles for her, and she shouldn’t have necessarily targeted you," another user commented.
"Disrespectful. Selfish. Obnoxious. You were rude. You’re a teen and you should have given up your seat," someone else weighed in.