Authorities Say To STOP Charging Your Cell Phone Here
Leave it to hackers and criminals to ruin everything! The FBI has issued a new warning about a place where you might want to avoid charging your cell phone.
You've probably seen these places while walking around a mall or at a large concert venue. Yes, we're talking about the free public cell phone charging stations. Whenever I see one, they're nearly always in use. Who couldn't use a quick boost in power prior to a concert or sporting event? But CNBC is now reporting that the FBI is warning that these public chargers might not be cyber safe.
CNBC says that these public stations can easily be hacked, infecting your phone with malware, spyware, and other software that could give the hackers access to your phone, tablet, or computer. In its warning, the FBI didn't point out any specific instances of what they call 'juice jacking.' They say the message was simply meant as an advisory. Authorities have been warning cell phone users about the issue since 2021. So how can you prevent hackers from jacking your phone, but still charge in public? Fortunately, the answer is simple!
Bring your own brick! That's right, instead of using the cord provided for you, bring your own brick and charging cord and just plug it into a different outlet.