Is This Popular Exotic Pet Allowed In College Dorms In Iowa?
A popular pet might be an option for those going to college this fall.
A lot of stuff is probably on your checklist if you or your kid are heading to college this fall. Books, storage stuff, bedsheets, and oh yeah...a pet.
I love owning a pet, it's definitely a source of comfort for me and it is for many folks. I can imagine it would be especially so for college students. University of Iowa and Iowa State both have rules in place when it comes to having animals in the dorms (besides support animals).
The Exotic Aquatic Animal You Can Kind Of Have In A Dorm
One of my besties (and the rest of the internet) has been losing their skulls over a certain animal. It's native to Mexico but so many people in America think it's the cutest thing ever so they have one too. Breeders have popped up in many states.
I'm talking about an axolotl.
If you're thinking 'I've literally never heard of this thing in my life', an axolotl is a kind of salamander. They eat worms, insect larvae, and small fish.
I've seen chatter online recently about taking an axolotl to a college dorm so I checked to see if it's a thing.
At University of Iowa, no. At minimum, the recommended tank size for an axolotl is 10 gallons. Iowa only allows a 5 gallon tank.
At Iowa State, yes. Iowa State allows a tank that's 30 gallons.
St. Ambrose is a no too. They allow a 6 gallon tank.
Despite being popular, axolotls aren't expensive themselves. They can range from $30-$75. But remember how expensive aquariums and their upkeep are, that's where you will probably pay some money.
Hey, if you want an axolotl and can't afford or can't have a tank for it, axolotl Squishmallows and stuffies are insanely popular too. That might fill the void.
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