Iowans already knew this but back in November of 2022, it was confirmed by Whiskey Riff that Iowa was the number 1 Busch Light drinking state in America. Millions of gallons of Busch Light are shipped to Iowa every year. It's closer to 16 million to be exact.

If Busch Light is this popular in Iowa, I'm curious if you would try this potential new Busch Light flavor. Most people are familiar with seeing Busch Light Apple lined up at liquor stores and it looks like Anheuser Busch is testing the waters with a new fruit-flavored beer.

Credit - Busch
Credit - Busch
Unsplash - Amy Shamblen
Unsplash - Amy Shamblen

What do you think about the idea of Busch Light Peach? Maple City Ice Cream Company posted that "some of our team came back from the national convention earlier this week with good news! Busch Light Peach is coming and rumor has it that it tastes ahhhh-mazing" on their Facebook page. Birds Drinks also created this TikTok about the possible new flavor.



If this is true and Busch Light Peach is headed to Iowa liquor stores this summer, are you going to give these a shot? I personally wasn't a big fan of the Busch Light Apple and in general, I'm not a fan of many fruit flavors. Peach is one of my least favorite fruit flavors if I'm being honest...but I will definitely have to try one of these.

Craft Shack
Craft Shack

I like Busch Lights the way they are. They're affordable, you can find them just about anywhere in Iowa, and it's one of my favorite light beers. I don't see myself becoming a huge fan of these but it'll be worth a shot.

I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed Natty Light Strawberry Lemonade. That's another affordable, fruity kind of beer that I didn't expect much out of but my fiance and I spent a summer grabbing a case of these whenever we went to the beach or a backyard party. Maybe Busch Light Peach will be the same pleasant surprise. If there's one state that jumps on board with anything Busch Light, it'll be Iowa.

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