Don't judge me but before going down this "is it legal" endeavor, I had to look up what an axolotl is...

I must've missed "axolotl day" in school and have no one to blame but myself.

If you're unsure what an axolotl is, they are a type of salamander. There is something about them that makes them extremely unique. According to the Natural History Museum, axolotls don't go through metamorphosis.

Salamanders will normally go through the metamorphosis process which helps them mature and become adults. Axolotl never makes this transition and continues to live in water for their entire lifecycle.

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I must admit that axolotl are pretty cute.

Unsplash - Mattias Banguese
Unsplash - Mattias Banguese

Is It Legal?

Axolotl is also known as the Mexican walking fish and has become quite a popular pet in the U.S. over the past few years. While they've increased their popularity as pets, they aren't legal to own in every U.S. state.

According to World Population Review, if you want to own an Axolotl in Iowa, it is perfectly legal with no permit required. These can make for interesting pets as they can live up to 15 years. On average, an Axolotl will live up to 10 years so before bringing home your new buddy, be sure you're aware of their needs to give them a good life.

They need at least a 29-gallon tank that leaves some space at the top. This is so they can't jump out of the water. The water should also be kept somewhere between 60-68 degrees and you should also put plants and decorations in the water so your axolotl feels comfortable. They eat earthworms and nightcrawlers but can also have frozen bloodworms as a snack/treat.

Where is it Illegal?

There are 3 states and 1 District of Columbia that have made it illegal to keep one of these as a pet. According to World Population Review, California and Maine have made axolotls illegal because they are believed to be detrimental animals and will threaten the native salamander species. New Jersey has also banned axolotls to prevent them from breeding with their Tiger Salamanders.

Hawaii and New Mexico allow citizens to own axolotl as pets as long as they have obtained the proper permits.

Here is the perfect time to remind you that *I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. You should speak with your lawyer or local law enforcement about keeping axolotl as pets* because your city, county, or district could have their own laws and regulations for owning one.

What would you name your axolotl if you had one as a pet? I think Fred sounds like a good name for one of these little guys.

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Gallery Credit: Getty Images/Unsplash/YouTube

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