5 Kick-Butt Women You Didn’t Know Went to the University of Iowa
There are so many amazing grads who have come out of the University of Iowa. Many are very well known, like Gene Wilder. Others are legendary athletes like Andre Tippett, an NFL Hall of Famer. But there are others who were top of their class and went on to do amazing things for arts, entertainment, and sports. Today I wanted to focus on some amazing women who graduated from Iowa and may not always get the recognition they deserve.
Below you will see some of the most kick-butt women who graduated from the University of Iowa. Spanning decades, a couple on the list are native Iowans, others came just for college. But, all of these talented women have the University of Iowa in common.
5 amazing women you didn't know when to the University of Iowa
On this list, you'll see recognizable names and faces, and I'm sure at least one person you did not know existed but has contributions that shouldn't be ignored. We have an athlete, an Oscar winner, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and more. Let's check 'em out!
5 Kick Butt Women Who Attended the University of Iowa
Those are 5 terrific women who came out of the University of Iowa. There are many more to come no doubt, likely several there right now. So what do you think? If this were expanded to a top 10, who would you add to the list? I'd love to know if you feel we missed any, or who should be added to a top 10 list.