Learn About Cedar Rapids’ History with New Displays
If you're a fan of learning about Cedar Rapids' past, some new displays are going up around town that may interest you.
CBS2 recently reported on the "History Happened Here" markers. They are located in about 50 spots around Cedar Rapids, including Coe College, Paramount Theatre, Ellis Pool, Roosevelt School, St. Patricks Church, and many others, and they are perfect to help you map out a walking tour and learn about the City of Five Seasons' rich history.
The markers are simply signs that will help describe historical points of interest including homes, churches and people of significance who have contributed to the development of Cedar Rapids since 1838.
The City of Cedar Rapids website has a complete list of the locations of these "History Happened Here" markers which include information about historical landmarks such as the World Theater, the Mayor Huston home and much more.
[Via CBS2, City of Cedar Rapids website]