Moose Seen Wandering in Iowa Has Been Found Dead
KCAU-TV Sioux City via YouTube
A female moose who has been seen wandering in the fields of northwest Iowa has died.
Residents in Plymouth County, in Northwest Iowa, have reported sightings of a moose in area fields for the past several months. According to Keloland.com, a local resident of the Sioux City area reported seeing the moose lying down. When the Iowa DNR went to get a closer look at the moose on Tuesday morning, they found the animal dead.
It's not uncommon for Iowans in the northwest part of the state to spot a moose now and then. Several sightings have been reported. The Iowa DNR says the moose usually don't stay in the area very long.

It's likely the moose wandered south from Northern Minnesota or North Dakota, which is a bit of a long haul from the normal territory for a moose. Moose will travel long distances to find food or to mate.
According to KTIV-TV, Iowa DNR experts say wandering moose may have been infected with a parasite like brainworm. The DNR is planning to gather samples from the moose to see what was the exact cause of death
I haven't seen any information about how old the moose was. Some can live up to 20 years. Moose are herbivores; they eat plenty of grass, twigs, and other vegetation. DNR will take samples from the moose to see if she contracted any common deer diseases found in northwest Iowa. The DNR will also look at other potential causes of death.