Cities and states across the country are making decisions, some easy and some difficult about how to take care of their citizens and slow the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.

WalletHub recently put out a survey on the states with the "Most & Least Aggressive" Coronavirus prevention procedures, and Iowa ranks on the lower end.

They compared the 50 states and District of Columbia across 35 key metrics, including tested cases of COVID-19 per capita and state legislation on the pandemic to the uninsured population and share of the workforce in affected industries.

It's very hard to find a test for the virus at this time, so we're not sure how that factors in but of all the states, Iowa comes in at #34 for its prevention practices.

How did our midwest neighbors do?

  • #8: Minnesota
  • #13: Wisconsin
  • #16: South Dakota
  • #17: Illinois
  • #20: North Dakota
  • #36: Nebraska
  • #46: Missouri

The Top 5 Most Aggressive states against Coronavirus were Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, New York and Washington state, while the least aggressive were Wyoming, Mississippi, Texas, Nevada, and Oklahoma.


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