New Study Reveals Which Pet Makes a Man More Appealing [PHOTO]
There may be hope for me yet!
A recent study revealed that men who have dogs are puppies are considered to be more attractive than men with cats.
The exact numbers, according to state that a man with a dog is 24% "sexier" than a man with a cat for a pet.
If you want to be seen as a trustworthy man, dogs are still better, but make sure it's a smaller one. Puppies make guys 14% more trustworthy.
The same holds true for ladies. Women with a medium-sized pooch are 7% more attractive and, believe it or not, a woman who owns a cat was actually found to actually be less sexy than dog-owning females.
See more about this study HERE and share your thoughts in the comments. Meanwhile, here is a photo of my chick-magnet, Riley, in hopes it will prove the survey true.
[Via Petsies]