Police Release Security Cam Footage of Casey’s Incident [VIDEO]
Following the incident on July 3 at Casey's General Store on O Ave. and Ellis Blvd. during the Cedar Boat Club fireworks, police are now releasing new video footage.
The height of the melee took place at 10:23 p.m. and the Cedar Rapids Police are putting the call out to anyone--either bystanders or assault victims in the video or others with knowledge of or information about the events.
CRPD claims some of the suspects stole merchandise, while others assaulted victims. Seven people are said to have been charged in the incidents for various offenses.
Please watch the above video and if you recognize any of those involved, you are asked to call the Cedar Rapids Police Department Investigation Division at (319) 286-5523 or (319) 286-5485.
They are hoping the public's help can aid in their continuing investigation and lead to arrests where appropriate.
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[Via CBS2]