Proposed New Performance Center in Eastern Iowa is a Game Changer
The city of Cedar Falls could potentially have a game-changer on its hands. Two potentially incredible facilities the community would offer new amenities for the community.
Tiger Performance Center
KWWL reports the new Cedar Falls High School, which is set to open in 2024, could be joined by two state-of-the-art sports complexes. The Scheels Tiger Performance Center and an indoor Cedar Falls Community Aquatic Center.

You can see artist renderings in the videos below. If built to the design, the Tiger Performance Center would have many different amenities for the community including an indoor track, and gymnasium. The facility would also be able to host many different events, such as basketball or volleyball tournaments.
It would also feature a turf area. This would be a usable practice area for marching band, football, soccer, baseball, softball, golf, or most any other sport as needed.
The hope is to raise $8,000,000. Sports recreation retailer Scheels has pledged one million. The facility will be named after Scheels. Martin Brothers have offered $750,000. Thus far, $4,000,000.
You can get more infortmation about making a donation, and even make one online by visiting tigerperformancecenter.com.
The Tiger Performance Center would be attached to the new Cedar Falls High School.
If all goes according to plan, the Cedar Falls indoor Community Aquatic Center would be attached to new high sxhool as well. The facility would also be used by both Holmes and Peet Junior High Schools - who are closing down their swimming facilities due to their age.
The new high school is on pace to be open in 2024. It will be located at West 27th Street and Hudson Road in Cedar Falls.