The 22nd annual KHAK Radiothon starts TODAY and Brain, Courtlin and all of the wonderful volunteers here at The University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital are ready to take your calls!

For the next two days Brain and Courtlin will be on location in Iowa City answering calls, interviewing kiddos and raising money for the families at the hospital. The view from the 12th floor is phenomenal and we are actually in the very same room that all of the kiddos hang out in during the famous wave that happens at each and every Hawkeye game! And while the view from up here is sweet, the sound of all those phones ringing is even sweeter! Call 1-800-456-2772 to pledge over the phone or click HERE to donate online!

All of the money raised today and tomorrow goes directly to helping the families of The University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. 1-800-456-2772, call now!



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