Scott Disick Brings New ‘Lady Friend’ on Kardashian Family Trip Because Why Not?
Scott Disick is under fire from the Kardashian Krew for having brought a woman named Chelsea to stay in his hotel with him on a family trip to Costa Rica. On the most recent Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian West (with a twinkle in her eye due to her position as high gossip queen) reveals the shocking news to a confused Kourtney Kardashian, who proclaims, "For what? Like, what's the point of even, like what's even the desperation?"
Khloe Kardashian, horrified and shocked, questions, "You can't last four days" without getting pleased?
"What a f------ loser," Kim concludes.
When Di[si]ck is later confronted about the situation, he says he is doing "What I have to."
Oh, and during the dinnertime inquisition, there's an impromptu fire show.
"If this dinner's not awkward enough, these fire dancers have to come out and start doing hula hoops. I mean. I already felt, like, under fire," Disick says. (We see what you did there.)
Disick may often be The Worst, but he's also usually the funniest part of KUWTK. And perhaps such inflammatory conversations shouldn't be held so close to actual flames, but hey, that's how the Kardashians roll.
Watch the drama play out in the two videos below.
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