Social Distancing in Iowa Brings Back Old Traditions
Who knew it would take a pandemic like nothing most of us have seen in our lifetimes to bring back kindness. While there's been kindness, there's also been a lot of ugliness as we all navigate our way through this.
Heated---and I mean HEATED debates continue on how soon is too soon to re-open, more of which we heard is happening this Friday. It's my job to inform you on all of the news but also entertain you in the process. I have had more than a few down moments which is not good for anyone.
Something else making a comeback is the old-school traditions to amuse and entertain ourselves because we have no other choice thanks to social distancing.
There's been the cruising down First Avenue, a thing that used to just comprise a normal Saturday night back in the day. What happened to me earlier this week really cheered me up, though.
I got a card in the mail from a friend. A handwritten card, no less. Through her Taekwondo class, of all things, they were assigned a project. Take the "19" in COVID-19 and turn it into something positive. She decided to send 19 HANDWRITTEN cards/notes by mail to her friends to cheer them up. I was one of the lucky 19, and it sure did the trick!
The front says "Sending blessings your way!"
On the inside, a very-much needed pep talk.
I won't let you read that, because some things should be left between friends. This was, indeed a huge blessing and I again want to thank my friend for her supportive gesture. It's my turn to pay it forward to someone else, and I'll let you know when I figure out how to do that.
Blessings and joy to you and stay safe and positive! We'll get through this, I promise.

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