Iowa Businesses Had Some Hilarious 2024 April Fools’ Day PranksIowa Businesses Had Some Hilarious 2024 April Fools’ Day PranksPlenty of Iowa groups and businesses participated in April Fools' Day shenanigans this year!CourtlinCourtlin
Brain & Courtlin Tried Unusual Candy for April Fools’ Day [VIDEO]Brain & Courtlin Tried Unusual Candy for April Fools’ Day [VIDEO]Candy should NEVER be meat-flavored!CourtlinCourtlin
Beware The Office Prankster On April 1st!Beware The Office Prankster On April 1st!Watch out for these common pranks on April Fool's Day! Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Funny April Fool’s Day Jokes You May Have Missed [PHOTOS]Funny April Fool’s Day Jokes You May Have Missed [PHOTOS]Companies all over the country participated in some pranks on Saturday, and even though they probably didn't fool anyone, they were still pretty funny!CourtlinCourtlin
April Fool’s Day 2017: The Best in Brand PranksApril Fool’s Day 2017: The Best in Brand PranksFind out which brands are playing a trick on you today.Emily TanEmily Tan
A Long-Awaited Reunion Is Reportedly HappeningA Long-Awaited Reunion Is Reportedly HappeningIt's been rumored for years, and now it seems to finally be happening.Eric StoneEric Stone
How to Spot an April Fool’s Day PrankHow to Spot an April Fool’s Day PrankTomorrow is April Fool's Day! A day set aside to do play a prank on someone, making it completely predictable.Eric StoneEric Stone
Is April the Giraffe’s Pregnancy One Giant April Fools’ Day Joke?Is April the Giraffe’s Pregnancy One Giant April Fools’ Day Joke?Some people are starting to think so...CourtlinCourtlin