Most Iowa Children Under Age 6 Have Lead in Their BloodMost Iowa Children Under Age 6 Have Lead in Their BloodIowa is among the worst in the nation for blood lead levels in young children. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
American Red Cross Has Urgent Blood Donation NeedsAmerican Red Cross Has Urgent Blood Donation NeedsNumerous locations in Eastern Iowa are holding blood drives to meet urgent needs caused by recent weather disasters across the country.Eric StoneEric Stone
American Red Cross Needs Blood DonationsAmerican Red Cross Needs Blood DonationsThe Red Cross is asking for blood donations, assuring safety in the time of a pandemic and disaster clean-up.Eric StoneEric Stone
Basement of Iowa Family Fills with Five Inches of Animal BloodBasement of Iowa Family Fills with Five Inches of Animal BloodIt wasn't just blood, either.Bob JamesBob James
A Cedar Rapids Animal Hospital is in Need of BloodA Cedar Rapids Animal Hospital is in Need of BloodWe all know that people donate blood, but did you know that your furry companion can, too?CourtlinCourtlin
Would You Take a Test to See If You’ll Die in the Next 10 Years?Would You Take a Test to See If You’ll Die in the Next 10 Years?If you had the ability to see your future, would you want to know what it holds?CourtlinCourtlin
The American Red Cross Has Declared a Blood EmergencyThe American Red Cross Has Declared a Blood EmergencyIf you're looking to give blood here in Eastern Iowa, there are some upcoming blood drives you should be aware of!CourtlinCourtlin
Urgent Blood Donation NeedUrgent Blood Donation NeedBlood and platelet donations are desperately needed by The Red Cross.CourtlinCourtlin
Pay Off Your Parking Tickets By Donating BloodPay Off Your Parking Tickets By Donating BloodIf you're one of the many in Cedar Rapids with unpaid parking tickets, you've got another way to pay them off this summer. With your blood. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Upcoming Blood Donation Opportunities in Eastern IowaUpcoming Blood Donation Opportunities in Eastern IowaSeveral weeks ago, the American Red Cross put out an emergency call for blood donations. There are now several dates you can help out in the coming weeks.CourtlinCourtlin