Women's Clothing Retailer Closing Stores, Declaring BankruptcyWomen's Clothing Retailer Closing Stores, Declaring BankruptcyThe latest retail chain to take a hit is a popular women's clothing store. DanielleDanielle
Willis Dady Homeless Services is Holding a Winter Clothing DriveWillis Dady Homeless Services is Holding a Winter Clothing DriveWillis Dady Homeless Services here in Cedar Rapids is in the final week of their Coat, Hat, and Gloves Drive to help out folks in our community!CourtlinCourtlin
Cedar Rapids Fleet Farm May Require a GPS [PHOTOS]Cedar Rapids Fleet Farm May Require a GPS [PHOTOS]I'm only kidding about the GPS, but when people say 'If they don't have it, we don't need it,' I totally get it now.Bob JamesBob James