Can Iowa Felons Vote in the Upcoming Election?Can Iowa Felons Vote in the Upcoming Election?Are felons in the state of Iowa allowed to vote?Sloppy JoeSloppy Joe
Iowa Felons With Restored Voting Rights Are Not Using ThemIowa Felons With Restored Voting Rights Are Not Using ThemA large number of Iowa felons with recently-restored voting rights are reportedly not taking advantage of them.Eric StoneEric Stone
Governor Reynolds To Restore Voting Rights To FelonsGovernor Reynolds To Restore Voting Rights To FelonsThe governor will issue an executive order prior to this fall's elections to restore voting rights to felons who complete their sentences.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Governor Reynolds Open to Restoring Felons' Voting Rights Governor Reynolds Open to Restoring Felons' Voting Rights Iowa is one of two states that ban convicted felons from voting even after they've paid their debt to society. Rob CreightonRob Creighton