Eastern Iowa Woman Gets Another Shot to Sing For American Idol JudgesEastern Iowa Woman Gets Another Shot to Sing For American Idol JudgesShe shared the exciting news with us.Bob JamesBob James
What Iowa’s American Idols Are Up To Since Leaving the Show [PHOTOS/VIDEO]What Iowa’s American Idols Are Up To Since Leaving the Show [PHOTOS/VIDEO]All three made it to Hollywood, and have had their lives changed.Bob JamesBob James
Iowa American Idol Hopefuls Paired Up For Hollywood Duets WeekIowa American Idol Hopefuls Paired Up For Hollywood Duets WeekWe have a good feeling about this pair-up. DanielleDanielle
Our Chats with Iowa’s American Idol Contestants Reveal Big Surprise [LISTEN]Our Chats with Iowa’s American Idol Contestants Reveal Big Surprise [LISTEN]Turns out the two Iowa women who made it to Hollywood had something else in common.Bob JamesBob James
Cedar Rapids Woman Auditions on Season 20 of American Idol [VIDEO]Cedar Rapids Woman Auditions on Season 20 of American Idol [VIDEO]Look out American Idol, another Iowan is about to take the spotlight!DanielleDanielle