Judge Issues Major Setback for Abby Finkenauer CampaignJudge Issues Major Setback for Abby Finkenauer CampaignAbby Finkenauer will need some help from the courts to get her name back on the ballot. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Judge Temporarily Blocks Cuts in UI Women’s Swimming/DivingJudge Temporarily Blocks Cuts in UI Women’s Swimming/DivingA federal judge has responded to a lawsuit by female University of Iowa swimming and diving athletes after it was announced the program would be cut.Eric StoneEric Stone
The Hazards Of Judging A Chili Cook-Off!The Hazards Of Judging A Chili Cook-Off!Brain and Courtlin are judges at the Blues and Buffett Chili Cook-off on Sunday. It's not as easy as it sounds! Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard