Marion Board Votes to Officially Drop ‘Mavericks’Marion Board Votes to Officially Drop ‘Mavericks’It's back to square one, as the Marion School Board votes to drop the name they choose to replace the Indians name and mascot.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
OK Marion, If Not ‘Mavericks’ Then What Else?OK Marion, If Not ‘Mavericks’ Then What Else?The school board in Marion has put the nickname Mavericks on hold until April after discovering its racist history.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Marion School District Mascot May Be Changed AgainMarion School District Mascot May Be Changed AgainJust days after voters in the Marion Independent School District selected the new moniker, concerns have arisen over the name "Mavericks".Eric StoneEric Stone
Marion School District Makes Mascot ChoiceMarion School District Makes Mascot ChoiceMarion has chosen the mascot nickname that will replace the name Indians this fall.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard